Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thoughts and wishes on Android...

My Android G1 sucks a$$ today. 90% of the time when I tried to do something, it would be busying doing sync in the 'background.' But the whole thing just slowed to a halt, that I feel like I am the background task, deprioritized.

I started to wonder why Android can suck like this. Essentially it's a computer with a 528MHz processor and about 128MB of RAM and some flash drive space (got a 8GB SD card in it). 10 years back, this is probably one of the better computer on the lot, and I remember having a similar system and I could play Grim Fandango, Crusader, Wing Commander 4, Need For Speed 2, and Quake 2 on it. Not too shabby at all.

So why this computer can't handle the current demand now? Touchscreen shouldn't be an issue, it's really just an extra simple channel (IRQ?) for the CPU bus to handle the event. Animation? come on, if I could play all those games, why not on this platform? My guess is that the only thing is probably just the cellular signal, battery handling, and data syncing that could be costing heavier performance issues.

So if the platform can have a terrific way to handle cellular signal, battery, and data syncing while not losing a whole lot of CPU/memory resource, then we can have a much better experience. And perhaps one day, we can play the next Bioshock on Android? I'd love to see that day come.

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