Saturday, April 11, 2009

Human Nature

watching my 7 month old play for the past week is a interesting experience. He's old enough to play letter blocks but not old enough to manipulate it to build something out of them, so what ends up happening is I would be tempted and build a castle with the blocks and he would destroy it right afterward, he seems to have fun with this.

Hmm. this got me wondering, if it's human nature to destroy things before they know how to build stuffs? In a human development, it seems to be true, since babies aren't really capable of building things and they are well capable of destroying things. But in the scope of the long stream of human history, does it still stand true? Human build up cities and civilizations before wars and other nature means destroyed them. But what has been more visible is also humans' damage to the nature and our planet before we can realize what we have done and start to do something constructive to it.

Perhaps human are still at the toddler stage as tenure of this planet? Our compounded minds are just started to realize our means of destructions and started to learn and figure out how we can do something positive about. Alas, we need to grow faster before it's too late...

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