Saturday, January 07, 2006

Grrrr.... Today is not a very smooth day~

I was about to try out WordPress, but something stirring in the air stops me. Whenever I am about to post a longer article, my network is "Smurf Attacked" and nothing can be sent thru network... not even creating a draft on Gmail.

Anyway, I am back to blogger. and below was what I was to say...

I am finally tired of waiting for myself to learn all the web technologies. Ever since two years ago when I started to dig into website building and all that, I have been hoping to build myself a nice website, hosted in my home server, so I can run the show from home. But I was never quite satisfied on my own speed of learning. It feels like a perpetual chase to the knowledge: when I was picking up on Linux, people are running home servers and run linux networks; when I was able to host a home network based on linux, and started to learn HTML/javascript, people are running LAMP websites and running photo gallery and e-commerce at home; when I have learn xhtml, css, and LAMP, people came up with Ruby, Python, and AJAX building super websites in an instance... I am finally tired of chasing.

I've decided to relax, use the free resources and other's expertise to enjoy the service I need, meanwhile adapt my own learning curve... sometimes it will be more efficient to accept who you are rather than trying to be somebody else!

I will start to run the blog with blogger, photo album with flickr, and links on del.icio for links... at least for a while, before I recover from the depression gained from accidentally deleting my web root files without backing up! (yes, formating seemed to be cool thing to do then...)